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Conversation Between Kriemedean and Sinz Kitten

101 Visitor Messages

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  1. @-@ I think we are both confused about what each other is saying, lol. I was planning on being a girl and I am still going to, but I got confused when you said that you were going to play his "new gf", thinking you were making a second girl. I didn't realize that you were talking about your ghost girl. He's actually going to be sent to the insane asylum under heavy scrutiny and guard, but then escapes later, which I am thinking will make things worse in other ways too. Anywho, I will write my post in a bit.
  2. oh I'm sorry my internet sucks I had posted but it didn't show up. I thought you wanted to be a girl as well? if not then I'm fine with making another girl XD
  3. Just to be sure and I don't mean to offend, do you remember what we talked about before about how the plot would go? Personally, I don't like sharing a charry unless it's a secret part to another RPer's idea for the plot that I'm not allowed to know about. I tried the sharing thing before, even borrowing a charry for a story where the other person would not use him at all, and did not like it. It's not because of the other person, but that I get possessive of my characters and might use them again elsewhere. They even suggested that we have two versions of the same charry, but I wasn't for that.
  4. kinda... I guess we could switch off charas like between parts where the girl is talking to Micean and when she's talking to my girl or someone else. would you mind doing that? And I can be the detective at times too.
  5. Wait, my female charry was supposed to be his next target and yours was someone ticked off at him about killing your ghost charry.
  6. Nah mine was going to be his new gf once he got out of the hospital and got cleared of any murder charges because they couldn't prove that he actually killed her, I'm gonna say because of how he suffocated her. But yeah people think he's crazy, and if you like he could be put in a nut house where he meets the new girl and my girl keeps trying to warn her along with the detective... what do you think?
  7. Hey, Sinz, can you remind me of what the plan was? Was your character a police officer or related to the ghost character? Was he supposed to go to the hospital? I remember that mine was supposed to eventually notice your ghost charry and he thinks they are drugging him, but everyone thinks he is crazy.
  8. hi hi
  9. ah that's cool if you do get time you know I would love to rp
  10. Hey. Sorry. I have been busy with midterms, working on MC server and was conscripted into car-flipping, so not much time.
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