Colville Academy opening weekend. The time for all students, old and new, to move into the dorms, explore the campus, and catch up with friends. It's also a time when all clubs and sports teams meet to discuss their plans for the year to come.
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Colville Academy opening weekend. The time for all students, old and new, to move into the dorms, explore the campus, and catch up with friends. It's also a time when all clubs and sports teams meet to discuss their plans for the year to come.
Abel Calside, arriving at a relatively early hour, had already made the all important preparations for the Host Club's first meeting of the year. Whether it be new faces or the good old members he'd come to know and appreciate, they all needed to get together and establish the goals of the trimester. Whether it be serious details like budget and regulations, or more creative ones like decoration and costumes.
As per custom, like every year before this one, things were going to be built from the foundations up, and the only reason the foundations remained was because the school would not tolerate otherwise. Tapping his pen against his desk, he patiently waited for the first members of the club to come in so that he may welcome them to the group. "I can't wait to see the new group." With that, he wrote "Host Club Planning Meeting" at the top of his sheet and stood up, waiting.
Adam wandered the halls for quite sometime, still not used to his school. He looked at the map given to him by one of girls he passed by in the hallway. Remembering the room number clearly, he scanned the map for the number and finally pinpointed it. A while later, he was standing in front of the door to the Host Club, still nervous.
'I can't believe they accepted me. . . Maybe it's a mistake. . .' he thought in mostly contradictions as he tried to figure out whether to open the door or not.
'Hm. . . I'll check inside to see if anyone's there.' he thought as he slowly pushed open the door. To his surprise, and maybe dismay, the leader of the Host Club stood before him in the middle of the room near a table. He half stumbled and half strolled to the center and gave a bow to his upperclassman.
"I-I'm Adam Kaede. Thank you for accepting me to the Host Club. I will do my best." he let out nervously.
Delia stepped out of the taxi and stretched. The trip to the academy was a long one and, unlike her brother, Delia hated having to sit still so long. "Let's go see our room assignments!" She called to Kaiden as she pulled her two bags out of the taxi's trunk. Even sharing it with another student the rooms were considerably bigger than her room back at home. That made moving in her favorite part and she hoped that she wouldn't get a fussy roommate.
Kaiden rolled his eyes. It was just like Delia to be so excited over the beginning of a school year, but then again Delia had all the years sports to look forward too. Kaiden's writing on the other hand could be done where ever, "Maybe we should stop by the Host Club first," He suggested, pulling his own suitcase out of the taxi's trunk. Even if he was a reluctant member he wasn't going to skip out on the meeting even if it was only due to sheer curiosity. Without waiting for an answer he went off in the direction of the Host Club's building with his suitcase rolling behind him.
Alin dashed through the hallways until he got to the doors of the room he was looking for. His small frame bounced and shivered with excitement, knowing that there would be new members in the host club this year. Not Alin though, he had been in the host club for a little over three years. He smiled brightly and dashed into the room, yelling out "I'm HEREEEEEE!~"
Alin looked around, noticing the room was just as he had remembered it. Though Abel was the only host in the room so far, and some other guy. Maybe a newbie? Alin giggled and bounced on over to both of them, looking up at them with a big,childish smile on his face. "Hiya Able! And um..New person!"
So there she stood, eyes closed and hands at her sides - a club application form in one of them. Taking a deep breath in, and slowly exhaling she prepped her introduction to the club members in her mind. It would be perfect...
She would politely bow, offer them her most charming smile and calmly present her application form. They would take to her instantly, and accept her into the club with open arms.
But the sudden sound of quick footsteps barreling in her direction brought her out of her fantasy and back to her reality. And the cold reality was that she was nervous - no, more than nervous to enter the room. And instead of going through the doors, Emerson dived behind a large potted plant beside the doors to the club room. The petite girl hid on her knees, keeping out of sight until the blonde haired boy had gone inside.
Disappointed in her lack of courage she sighed, bopping herself on the forehead with the palm of her hand. "Oh, Emmi... you're not going to get in if you never apply!"
When scouting the school a year prior, Emerson had come across the Host Club. She had never heard of anything like it before, and was instantly swept up by the concept. She wanted to be like the attractive and charming hosts!! She just had to! Her happiness depended on it!
With lips slightly pursed, Rue made her way down the familiar corridores of Colville Private Academy. The school was mostly empty still as students would be ushering themselves in over the next few hours, or at least those that belonged to one of the numerous clubs that the school had to offer. Her heeled boots clacked against the cold tile floor as her gaze peered out the windows as she absent-mindedly made her way towards her one and only club: The Host Club.
From the yelling and loud noises before her, the bright blue eyed girl could figure out that some of the more boistrous members of the club had already beaten her there. Humming a slight tune, the blonde's pace seemed to gain a little hop as the ornate doors of the club came to view. A peaceful face befelt the woman, a small smile dancing across her lips.
Not ten feet from the door, clear as day Rue could already hear Alin's joyous voice echoing through the empty halls from the club room. Clearing her mind of usual thoughts, the senior found herself going through her usual beginning of the year routine of getting back into the mindset of being a host. Her facade wouldn't be perfect day one, but it would fool most people and she didn't have to worry about guests just yet anyway, or at least that was what she thought.
Her feet came to a halt, one stopping gracefully beside the other as her hand reached up to grasp the metal handle that would free the door from its place. Just as she gripped it, she caught the sight of another person beside her, or rather hiding near her. 'Crap' she thought to herself as her host act came together much quicker than she was wanting it to.
A sweet smile came to Rue's face, her blue eyes seeming to sparkle as she turned her attention towards the pink haired woman that was 'hiding' behind one of the potted plants near the doors. "There's no need to hide," a sweet and warm voice said welcoming her as the hem of Rue's long white skirt brushed the floor as the girl presented the other with a respectable curtsey. "We may not be officially open and enjoy a little 'before hours' sneak preview of the Host Club."
With a wink and an index finger resting on her cheekbone, Rue gracefully opened one of the large doors that the club was tucked behind. Abel would scorn her later, more than likely, for letting someone in early, but he could get over that. There was a reputation that the blonde had to keep up and she had to make sure that it would also reflect upon the Host Club kindly to bring in more people and Rue was certain that bringing in more customers from something little like this was not something he would pass up.
"A pleasure to meet you Adam. Punctual, that's commendable. Please, have a seat." Abel let out as the shy young man entered, inviting him to one of the chairs. Seeing as this would be the first host club meeting of the year, Adam had gone through the trouble of pulling out the banquet table and setting chairs around it. There were twenty chairs in all which was more than they had in members, but it allowed for the extravagance of choosing your seat, which he believed helped him gauge new members. "I'll be sitting at the end, but do feel free to take any other of the chairs." He continued, a kind but compassionate smile on his face. "I know the room can be a bit intimidating the first time, but try not to be too nervous." With that, the host club head took a step so as to get out of the way and allow the boy to go through.
This is the time Alin chose to dash in. "Good morning Alin, I trust you enjoyed your vacation? This is Adam Kaede, I accepted his application during the break. Adam, this is Alin Conette, our personal cutie. She's two years your senior, but don't let that prevent you from getting along." He let out as a form of formal introduction. His tone was relaxed and assured but warm at the same time, almost fatherly. With that, he approached Alin, gave her a warm pat on the shoulder and indicated the table. "Please, have a seat, we'll begin the meeting shortly."
Almost as though summoned by his words, in came Rue Parker. Rue always had a tendency for autonomous behavior which, at least once a week, meant she went against typical club regulations. Most of the time it was minor or excusable and Abel being the open-minded type, it slid without too much repercussions, but there were those rare occasions when she went too far. Bringing a non-member to the club reunion was one of those fine line moments. "Ah... since I'm making introductions; Adam, this is Rue Parker, our princess and my unofficial second in command, Rue, this is Adam Kaede, one of our latest additions to the group. Please Rue, do have a seat." The word 'unofficial' was key here, as contrary to most clubs the host club did not have a legitimate vice-captain. It was an omission that occurred on the first year and the position had never been claimed since, so with the years the position was never brought up.
It was then that Emmi caught Abel's eyes and he looked at the girl with curiosity. "What is this? Do we have an early guest?" He let out, deciding to pretend nothing was wrong for the time being, it was the first incident of the year so he opted to let it slide. Knowing Rue, he'd have occasions to reprimand her at a later point. With that, he looked to his watch. There were still five minutes before the scheduled time of the meeting. His smile briefly faded, then returned as he looked up to the girl. "Good morning Mademoiselle. Under normal circumstances we'd be more than happy to welcome you, but unfortunately the host club is not open for business at this time..." His eyes briefly shot to the paper the girl seemed to be holding, then back to her eyes. "...unless you have something for us?" With that, he rolled down his sleeve to conceal his rather pricey watch and let his eyes slide back down to the sheet the girl appeared to be holding. "An application perhaps? We are still looking for new members..."
Kaiden strolled into the room, suitcase still in tow, to see that there were already five people there. Most of them he recognized as other Host Club members but two he had never seen before.
"Abel. Rue. Short stuff," He acknowledged each with a nod. Even though most people in the club weren't the kind he'd usually hang around, he didn't like being late to club meetings of any sort. "Delia will probably be late. Or something," He said. Leaving his suitcase by the door he took a seat at the farthest end of the table.
"H-Hey, I'm here! I'm not late right?" Delia breathed as she barged into the room. It looked like everyone in the club was there along with two new people. Delia smiled bashfully and brushed her bangs away from her sweaty brow. "I was just leaving my bags in my room. I'm rooming with someone named Emerson," She rambled.
"Anyway hey everyone. Sorry if I'm late," She grinned sheepishly and unzipped her track jacket. Delia hoped Rue would be too busy saving face in front of the new people to make any smart comments on wearing a track suit to the years first meeting. Even though Rue was almost sickly sweet as a host and to the rest of the school she could have a vicious bite when things weren't up to expectations.
"I'm Delia by the way. And that lanky kid in the glasses is my brother Kaiden. Excuse him if he's a little rude," With that she glanced at the newcomers. She could almost feel her brother roll his eyes but she could also bet that she wasn't too far off the mark about his rudeness.
Alin giggled and sat down on a chair that was closest to the door and suddenly pulled out a piece of chocolate from his pocket, chewing on it happily as more people came in. He watched as the boy known as Kaiden had called him short stuff. "Nuuu you shouldn't say that! She might hea-" His sentence was cut short because of a loud voice booming towards Kaiden.
"SHORT STUFF?!" Milly dashed up to the man known as Kaiden and began to hit him repeatedly on the head with her big plastic fan. "Who are you calling short? Stupid head!" She kept hitting his head angrily, not caring about the other for the moment. "Nobody calls my little brother short and gets away with it!"
"There's no need to hide,"
Frozen in place, her eyes made their way to a set of sparkling blue orbs aimed in her direction. Emersons jaw slowly opened, staring in awe at the beautiful girl addressing her. "Wow..." Blushing, she tried her best to hide her embarrassment. "No.. I wasn't hiding I was just... uhm..." Pointing around, looking for an excuse, she finally stopped in place and hung her head. "...I was hiding." Admitting to it wasn't even the worst part, she couldn't help but stress over the fact her first impression with this girl was certainly an odd one.
"We may not be officially open and enjoy a little 'before hours' sneak preview of the Host Club."
As the blonde opened the door, Emerson's eyes widened as she took the grandeur of the room in. "This... is the club room?!" Without even really thinking about it, her feet moved beneath her, guiding her into the room. She should have known their club room would look something like this! A perfect home for a perfect club!
But the beauty of the room was only rivaled by those standing inside it, especially the radiant male that seemed to ooze a princely charm. Emerson couldn't help but listen in on what he was saying, quickly noting the names of the other club members around her as he pointed them out.
So her name is Rue...
"What is this? Do we have an early guest?"
His voice, directed at her, caught her attention abruptly. "Oh!" She tensed a little, nervous to be under his gaze and gripping onto the application for dear life she tried not to turn cherry red as he approached her. Gosh were these people so out of her league, each one of them gifted with their own charm and good looks. They would probably think her application to be a joke!
It seemed as though this dark haired male had thought her to be an eager guest, but eventually - due to the form in her hand - he caught on to her true purpose here. "Yes... actually..." Her nervous eyes stammered around before she quickly launched out her hand, holding the paper up to him and bowing the entire upper half of her body. "Please accept me into your host club!" Her words came barreling out with no eloquence or grace.
This... was not how she dreamed it would be.
As she waited anxiously for him to take her application, she heard her name behind her - eyes opening she glanced to the girl not too far off. Was she her room mate?
"Thank you. I'll go do that. . ." Adam responded in a not as nervous tone. Taking note of each of the member's names and seating positions, Adam sat himself accordingly towards the opposite end of Abel, but not too close to the blonde named Kaiden being beaten senseless by another crazy blonde.
'Kaiden? Ah, that's the name of my roommate.' He thought as se gave a small wave to each member as they came in. He glanced curiously at the girl who came in with an application. Noticing the blonde had not stopped with her attack, he finally got up from his seat and let the fan smack him in the arm before he felt it with the other one.
'Now, I can show them some of my social skills. . . Now pick an excuse from here. . .' he thought as he felt the texture of the fan some more.
"Hm. . . How did you manage to fold plastic of this caliber into a fan?" he asked with genuine curiosity. He managed to take the fan into his own hands and observed it carefully.
Rue smiled sweetly towards the rest of the members that stood inside the room upon her introduction, picking her skirt up a bit while bending her knees slightly in a half curtsey. "It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance Sir Adam," the woman seemed to purr as she made her way into the club room after the pink haired girl had made her way in. Rather than taking her seat beside Abel's however, his movement towards the new coming female drew her to his side, though slightly behind the male. She had just placed a hand lightly on his watch arm when yet another lively member of their group had arrived.
"Delia sweety," the blonde haired woman said in a voice that could easily go unnoticed. Closing her eyes slowly, she took in a slow breath as though the matter she was about to bring up was something that was a normal occurrence. "You truly should try to hold yourself with a little more regal even if it is just a reunion meeting. First appearances are everything after all." The smile she cast towards the girl was a slightly bitter one, almost as though it were yet another warning towards the athletic voice. It was an argument that had been going on since the two had met and neither of them seemed to wish to budge from who was in the right and who was not. Yet even the larger matter of abuse going on behind her didn't seem to bother Rue.
"Did you find a new cologne for the year Abel? You really shouldn't keep such things a secret, it makes it difficult for me to keep up with your wondrous image," she said gleefully to the male as she wrinkled up her nose slightly. Her eyes flicked to the paper, the application as it were, in anticipation of her usual reading over the male's shoulder.
"Right on time, the meeting will begin shortly." Abel let out as Kaiden, quickly followed by Delia, walked in. He then turned to look at Adam with a smile. "...may I present you our pair of siblings Kaiden and Delia McKelvy, interestingly enough, they have very little in common aside from blood. Kaiden, Delia, this is Adam... our latest additio-" It was then that Milly burst in, flew past him and began pummeling the bespectacled boy with her plastic fan. Under normal circumstances, he would've handled the young woman's temper himself, but Adam seemed to take control of the situation relatively easily, something which caused Abel's smile to be briefly impregnated with relief. "...and this is Milly Conette, our personal firework." He uttered as the boy examined the fan that had been used to strike him on accident. "Milly, this is Adam Kaede, our latest addition. Please get along." He ushered, hoping that the suggestion would somewhat mitigate whatever anger the brief theft of her fan may have earned the boy.
He then turned back to Emerson, his smile now somewhat apologetic. "I'm sorry for the brief interruption, things are always a little eventful around here at the beginning of the year..." He uttered as he took hold of the paper she had in hand with a smile, apparently unfazed by her unusual presentation. "A little shy, but she seems energetic and willing... I'm sure with a bit of training she could work out." He told himself as he analyzed the paper, making little effort to hide it from Rue's gaze. His ambers briefly turned to the blonde young woman and his smile brightened. A compliment never fell on deaf ears when it came to Abel. "You've noticed? How observant of you. Clive Christian Number 1 Pure Perfume for Men, I had it shipped this morning." He let out, satiating the young woman's curiosity. Of course, he made no effort to remove her from his arm. In fact, he actual quite enjoyed the proximity. After all, though she was sometimes difficult to handle, Rue was a member of the club second and a friend first.
His eyes then focused back onto the paper which he examined meticulously. After a few seconds, he passed it to Rue so that she may have a better look herself and smiled to Emmi. "Your candidature appears to be in order. You'd certainly be an exceptional addition to the team." In this, Abel wasn't sugar-coating anything, he was being perfectly honest. "That said, we are predominantly a social club. For that reason, the application is only a formality put in place by the school, I'd like to take the time to interview you in the not-so-distant future." He'd pause briefly to gauge her reaction and his eyes briefly left hers to look at his watch once more. This was something that happened relatively quickly as before Emmi could give any input his Ambers returned to her Honey brown orbs and he followed. "If I could rob you of ten minutes of your time during the lunch break, I would be immensely appreciative." With this, his fingers gently brushed through his own hair and his smile vanished for a second. "Unfortunately, for the time being, I'm going to have to ask you to leave... You are not a member yet and having you present during a club reunion would be against regulations. I apologize for this."
Before Kaiden even had the chance to roll his eyes at his sisters introduction he heard the yell. "Crap," He mumbled, trying to get out of his seat. But it was too late, before he could even stand he was being barraged over the head with Milly's fan. Kaiden threw his arms up in a defense to shield himself, but not before his glasses flew off and clattered in some unknown direction.
"Come on, Milly! Cut it out!" He grumbled. The blows finally stopped and he heard a young man address Milly. Squinting his eyes he tried to make out who it was but the figure was a blur.
Delia rolled her eyes as Milly ran in and beat Kaiden senseless with her fan. She didn't know what her brother said to merit the attack but he probably deserved it. On a normal day she would have stepped in and said something to the girl but she was still irked about her brother leaving her to go to the dorms on her own. Besides the new boy stepped in and stopped her in a far more diplomatic manner than she would have. 'Where the hell did she come from anyway,' The blonde had been nowhere in sight when Delia came to the club, but then again she hadn't paid to much attention.
"Yes, Rue?" She answered as she turned to the blonde. By the tone she used Delia could already tell that Rue was going to make some complaint or another, even though someone that didn't know Rue well would have thought it was the start of an everyday friendly conversation between the two. "It was a pretty long trip, you know, and I prefer to be comfortable than fashionable. Beside it's not like we can all just fly into school from Monaco on our private jets," With that Delia gave the blonde an equally bitter smile even though she was already turning her attention to Abel.
Milly blinked and snatched the fan away from Adam. Beating him on the head twice with her fan. "Since you're new here i wouldn't expect you to know NOT TO TOUCH MY FAN EVER!" With that, Milly gave Kaiden another whack on the head before sitting down beside her brother, folding her eyes and cursing both of them under her breath.
Alin tilted his head and winced a little as he watched his older sister beating on those two guy. "M-milly yew reallie shouldn't...he didn't mean to call me short stuff..right Kaiden?" He looked past Milly and looked over to Kaiden, hoping if he knew what was best for him, that he would just agree. Especially since Milly was giving both of the boys the death glare.
"Ow!" Adam yelped before rubbing the temple she hit. He looked over to each face that was being introduced by Able before heaving a sigh. He ran his hand through his hair in an attempt to fix it before turning back to Kaiden.
"I-It's a pleasure to meet you Kaiden. I'm Adam. I'll be your roommate. Please treat me kindly." he introduced himself respectfully. He put a hand to his chest, and with a subtle movement of the torso, he gave a respectful bow.
"Are you my upperclassman, younger, or of equal age?" he asked, tilting his head to the side. He had to take deep breath due to the fact that he had to speak so much in one go.
Kaiden groped around blindly for his glasses. "Yeah, sure. Whatever ki-" He paused. Would calling Alin kid set his sister off again? He wasn't sure but he wasn't willing to risk it, "Whatever."
Kaiden squinted in the direction of the boy addressing him. "Oh, my roommate? Uh, hey. Yeah sure," He nodded slowly as he continued to grope around for his glasses. "It's you're first year? It's my second," Kaiden answered slowly. He was trying to get a feel for the new kid. "My sister and I are in tenth. We're scholarship kids," He continued. If Adam were put off or fascinated by his being a scholarship kid, Kaiden knew it would be a bad year for him. He was even already contemplating asking for a room change.
Adam was confused as to what he was doing, but remembered that his glasses were knocked off his head previously. He bent down and picked up spectacles that were by his feet and handed it to Kaiden.
"Really? I'm a scholarship kid too. What scholarship did you get? I got the Fine Arts Scholarship." he responded in an amused manner. He was glad to know there were scholarship kids in the Host Club. He heaved a sigh of relief as he slowly hid his backpack from view. Usually when he says Fine Arts Scholarship, people tend to be curious and ask about his work, which would lead him to having to show it.
Rue slowly took the paper from the dark haired beau, only between her finger tips as though the object would break if she held it too hard or as though to hold it further would be 'unclean'. Her bright orbs scanned over the application.
"My dear Abel," she cooed as she read, "You should know by now that I am much more astute to such things than I may let on." Her eyes gazed up towards the male for a moment as she gave him a playful smile before bringing the paper to her side and turning to take her spot at the table as she heard Delia's reply. Watching the girl for a moment, clearly having run the whole way the blonde beauty decided to let it go. "Very true, though none the less it is a pleasure to have yourself as well as your brother. Thank you for taking the time to return to us for yet another year."
As she neared the table, with the returning of Kaiden's glasses, Rue knelt down slightly to put a hand gently on the younger male's elbow to bring him back up to his feet.
"I do not mean to interrupt the two of you, but perhaps by starting the meeting me may learn a bit more about all of our new members and their strengths?" It was mostly for Abel's sake that she jumped in the middle of the conversation. With his earlier comment she had a feeling he wanted to get things rolling; the sooner started the sooner ended after all. She couldn't blame him, this sort of thing wasn't exactly how she wanted to spend her first at the school either.
It seemed that the time she spent in the clubroom were nothing more than a dreamy blur. The people around her, the sights of the room - and especially the boy known as Abel awed her. She wanted to be a part of this world, and now that she had herself a taste, she knew it would be impossible to sleep until they could properly view her application.
"On lunch break?" She responded, wasting no time to add, "Of course! I'll give you all the time you need!" Emmi didn't realize how desperate her demeanor made her seem - but she wanted nothing more than to make a good impression. But she knew her time was running out before she would really start to step on the club members toes. "Alright, I'll get out of your hair then! Thanks again! I really, really appreciate your time!" Once again her words were jumbled together as she made a quick exit through the doors.
Once on the other side she took a long, deep breath. It felt like she hadn't taken a single breath since she entered that room, and it left her feeling rather dizzy.
Kaiden took the glasses from Adam and sighed in relief. "Thanks man," He grinned sheepishly and adjusted his glasses onto his face, "Rue" It was a bit of a relief that Adam was a scholarship student too since no one else in the club was. But before he could tell Adam about his own scholarship, Rue had interjected. "Hey, I'm just waiting on you all," Kaiden said as he took his seat. It was just like Rue to assume the role of "the boss of everything" so early into the year.
Delia frowned, unsure if Rue was being sarcastic or not. Regardless she shrugged it off and turned to Abel. "Well, guess we're good to go Captain!" She grinned and followed Rue to the table. "Milly sure knocked you a good one today, huh?" She shot Milly a dirty look and took a seat next to her brother. She didn't dislike Milly, they just didn't see eye to eye when it came to the other's sibling. Deep down, however, Delia knew her and Milly were extremely similar.
After several seconds of staring Delia turned her head to Rue, "So, are we gonna do this or what?"
Miyu had been standing outside the door of the Host Club for several minutes after everyone had gone inside. She held her camera tightly to her chest and her long dark hair had fallen over her face hiding her eyes. The school newspaper started the year a bit differently than the other clubs, since the life of the paper depended on the life of the school. They started the year getting the scoop on everyone.
"O-oh," Her lips quivered at the soft exclamation and a pinkish-red haired girl exited through the Host Club doors. 'An early guest?' Miyu was positive the girl wasn't a new member. No new member could escape the Host Club's start of the year meeting so fast. Last year the two new members were the twins, Delia and Kaiden, though they were nothing alike. With a deep blush, Miyu turned away from the club and began to walk quickly down the halls. Maybe she'd stop one of the other members later to get the information she needed. Like Alin or the new boy. The new boy seemed approachable. Miyu bit her trembling bottom lip and prayed that the girl wouldn't stop her to talk.
"Oh, I'm sorry Rue, Abel." Adam said shyly, bowing to each of them before taking his seat somewhere in the middle. He played with the strap of his messenger bag which was hidden under the table. He glanced at his watch which actually wasn't as expensive as Abel's. He never kept it on his wrist, he always hid it in his pocket. Being a rich scholarship student, it was inevitable that questions and rumors would fly. Even though he doesn't live with his parents, they still provided money. His uncle was also rich too, he was a board member of this school. He could've gotten in without a scholarship, but he felt that doing so would mean he hasn't earned his right. He heaved a nervous sigh before looking up to the several faces of the Host Club.
Abel was relieved that Adam seemed to make a positive acquaintance so early. The fact that he and Kaiden were roommates was a happy accident. It would mean he could rely on both of them to make sure the other attended and he'd be able to keep track of them both in the event that one could not make it. This was a relief.
After he finished his little offer to Emmi, he turned to Rue and nodded calmly. "You're quite right, we should begin shortly." was his way of approving her words. Unfortunately, he could not simply leave a guest unattended, whether they be open or not. It was thus a massive relief to him when Emerson happily and politely complied. Some of the members were a little excentric as had already been made apparent, so having someone comply easily was a positive event.
Abel smiled brightly as the girl left. "I look forward to seeing you again." He uttered casually with a polite wave. What she felt might pass as a form of desperation the young man saw as the anxious demeanor of a passionate soul and he found her eagerness to be a positive trait. Once the girl left the room, he looked to his watch with a very brief look of displeasure in his eyes. They were now two minutes off schedule. "Oh well, it can't be helped." He thought to himself with a shrug before slightly tightening his tie and regaining a brighter visage, turning to face the little group.
"A pleasure to have you all here!" He let out with his typical charismatic smile as he approached his seat, pulling it back to stand in front of it. "First and foremost, I would like to apologize for the minor tardiness of our first meeting and wish you all a happy year at Colville. For some it is your first, for others your last, whether that be your case or not do make the best of it." With this introduction out, he slowly took his seat and looked at each of them with a smile. His expression then got a bit more serious and he put both elbows on the table, tangling his fingers together. "On an early side note, I would like you all to remember three things; The first is that under no circumstances are non-club members allowed present during these meetings." With those words, he briefly shot his orbs at Rue. Though his gaze was not intended to culpabilize, he wanted to make it clear that this was particularly adressed to her. "Second, altercations both physical and verbal are to be kept to the bare minimum and any form of physical violence - aside from extreme circumstances - is forbidden within this club room." This time, his stare went to meet Milly, unchanging. "The third and most important thing I wish for you all to remember is that this club is intended to be enjoyed by hosts and customers alike as an unique and refreshing social experience, so do remember to have a great time!" On that last aside, Abel smiled brightly, untangled his fingers and straightened his back.
His eyes once more visited each and every one of them. "We have a lot to discuss in this meeting and unfortunately this means we will likely be missing the opening ceremony, but with some luck nobody will miss any classes." With that, he looked at his watch once more. A positive nod indicated that they could still make schedule. "The topics of the day are; an introduction of the members, our budget, the decoration of the club room, this years' motto, our opening hours, our first event of the year and I have left two open slots should any of you find anything worth noting."
He took a brief pause to make sure everyone was following and then stood up once more. "As club leader, I will be opening the presentations. I encourage you to step in with your own as you wish." He rose his hand and pantomymed clearing his throat, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. Once his lips parted, his tone was suave and confident, soothing to the ear and yet loud enough to be heard clearly. "My name is Abel Calside. I am a senior here at Colville Academy. Aside from the host club, I am a member of the boxing, fencing, golf, dancing and track clubs. I have been a member of this club for the past four years." He paused a moment to let things sink in, his eyelids closing partially, his gaze intense yet directed to nobody in particular. "If I must talk about my personality; I'd say I am approachable, charismatic and proffesional. An interesting event that occured recently was my participation at the FIE which took place during the break." Modesty prevented Abel from going into detail, but at this competition he had won a total of 3 individual gold metals and 2 team gold medals. Unfortunately the performance of one of the foil fencers was too low to give them a sixth, but they did receive a bronze which was better than nothing.
"It's a pleasure to meet you all." Those were the last words before Abel took a polite bow, sat back down and went from his sensual method of expression to his typical smiling demeanor... though once the surprise had passed some would no doubt realize that it wasn't that much of a change.
After guiding Kaiden back towards the table, Rue took her own seat to the right of Abel, shortly before he began the meeting. Sliding her small purse around to the front of her body, she set the bag of the item in her lap, running her hands along to smooth her skirt after she did so. Her eyes shifted up to the dark haired male as he began to talk, even if the words didn't completely register with her; there were only so many times during the four years that she had been with the club that she could hear the same, or nearly the same opening for their meeting.
Crossing her ankles beneath the chair, the blonde gave Abel a small smile as he directed his gaze towards her. They both knew that something 'against the norm' was bound to happen due to the Princess of the group over the next few weeks so she really found it hard to take seriously as never once did the male seriously scold her to the point where she 'learned her lesson'. The other two 'rules' that he had decided important enough to share with the group were (1) directed towards another member and (2) quite obvious for those that have partaken with the group before. That was another reason for the slight toning out; it was mostly directed towards the new members.
As they did in the beginning every year, they would go over an overwhelming amount of information, something that Rue would be keeping notes on and of course, they would miss the opening ceremony which was fine with her as it was far more bothersome than this meeting. Reaching towards one of the notepads on the table, as well as one of the pencils, the slender female pulled them closer to her, prepared to take key notes on each person as they introduced themselves for something for herself and Abel to reflect on a bit later in the meeting when coming up with different themes for the year.
She didn't bother taking notes for Abel, nor would she for herself or most of the returning members. The only time she would really write something during this part was primarily for the new members as well as anything new and/or interesting returning members would have to add. Once his introduction was over, she held a pleasant look on her face as she lay a hand over top of Abel's before softly saying, "Well I see you've been quite busy this summer. That would explain the periods of time where you weren't responding to my emails." It wasn't uncommon for the two to share correspondence, many times said message just being theme ideas that they think of spur of the moment.
Once a calm silence seemed to fill the room once again, Rue stood up, her hands sliding down the front of her skirt as her purse slid to rest along her backside. "My name is Rue Parker," her voice came out smooth and soft, though the mental awareness the blonde had on just doing that was ridiculous. "I am also a senior here at Colville Academy and joined this club four years ago, though unlike Abel I tend to not have much free time to take part in any other clubs besides the Host Club as my parents do enjoy keeping me busy from afar." Her eyes looked across the table to the other members before she continued, "If any of you are having any issues or just need someone to talk to, please do not hesitate to look for me. It distresses me to think that one of my members may be going through a tough time." Mental vomit, she thought to herself. "As for an interesting fact from this summer? Well, I suppose my mother bringing me along with her to her summer fashion show was really something spectacular to see in person."
"I look forward to getting to know all of you better throughout my last year here at Colville Academy." With another small smile, Rue gave a small curtsey before taking her seat. She kept the warm look on her face as she looked about the rest of the members for a moment, waiting for the next person to take their turn.
Adam listened intently to both Abel and Rue's introductions. Taking notes on each person with the pencil and pad provided, he scrawled down the most important details of each person. Which ended up turning into a quick sketch of their faces on paper. He ended up adding more detail than expected and drew a shoulder up sketch of each from his perspective.
Drawing. It was something that comforted him. Something that was their to calm him down. Besides Fredrick, Kitai, and his favorite uncle. He closed his eyes for a second just to imagine the scene back at home. He drew flowers and the very familiar faces out in his backyard. Then, he would paint the setting sun from his bedroom. When time wasn't flowing from him too quickly, he would sit at the piano or grab his violin and play a song or two before calling it a day.
'I wonder how their doing. . .' he thought to himself. Just as Rue's introduction was complete, he managed to complete both sketches. Noticing that a few turned to him for an introduction, since he's new and all, he covered the paper slowly with his hands as he stood up.He blinked a couple of times before taking a deep breath.
"My name is Adam Kaede. I'm in the 9th grade starting today and am also a new member to the Host Club." he let out, a bit shaky when saying his name. "I came here from Japan on a Fine Arts Scholarship." he mentioned, firm and not a single stutter. "I can play the piano and violin at an. . . Intermediate level. I'm still hoping to improve on that. I can also paint and draw." he said, fiddling with the pad of paper in his hand on the last word. "I come off as shy, but I can open up as time goes by. And I hope my being here isn't a hindrance to those of you. And anything interesting over the summer? Well, I took a helicopter around Tokyo, then Paris, and then New York and sketched each place before turning it into a charcoal drawing." he let out, a sigh escaping his lips as well.
After his brave introduction, he slowly took a seat as not to make too much noise. Once seated, he opened the pad of paper to a new page before looking up to see who was willing to introduce.
Delia's feet bounced impatiently at the other members introductions. She had heard them before when her and her brother started and she had no interest in listening. Before she could jump up for her own introduction Adam stood and began his. Delia frowned as he spoke about his summer. Helicopter around Tokyo, Paris,and New York? Was he really a scholarship kid?
As soon as Adam sat Delia jumped out of her seat, knocking it backwards. "I'm Delia McKelvy!" She said jerking her her thumb at her chest. "And that's my brother Kaiden McKelvy!" She motioned to her brother earning a groan from him. "We're scholarship students. I'm a sports scholarship student. I play hockey, soccer, basketball, baseball, I swim, and run track! I'd even be willing to challenge anyone here to a sport of your choice and I bet I'd win!" She said leaning across the table. "Well except maybe Abel," Delia chuckled bashfully with a glance at their leader.
Kaiden stood with a sigh. He wanted to at least finish the rest of his introduction on his own. "I'm an academic scholarship student. My skills are in writing, He said with an obvious air of disinterest. "We're fraternal twins but as you can see we're nothing alike," With that he sat and ignored the glare his sister was giving him.
keller walked up to the main doors. she looked up and took a deep breath. " this is it." she whispered and grabed the door handle firmly. she was nervous, and she was pretty sure it was quite obvious. There were going to be people here; new people people she had never met. To make matters even worse then they already were for poor keller she had to share a dorm with some one.
As she opened the door after what seemed like an eternity, she tons of students hustling about greeting other students. Keller let in yet another deep breath. She looked down letting her bangs cover her face hoping no one would notice her she walked towards forward. From beneath her bangs she glanced at individual students. some looked stuck up, some were shy looking and some were jumping around like mad people. " how am I going to fit in?" she muttered to her self gently.
Every one seemed to know at least one other person; she knew absolutely no one. Which wasn't really a surprise her aunt had close to no money and the only reason Keller was here was because of her amazing art skills. She was a scholarship student. How many of these students could be scholarship kids, not many right? or could it be all?
"Mr. McLeary, we understand your reservations but we have given you the scholarship based on your vocal skills." The woman behind the desk pushed up her glasses as she peered at the young man sitting across from her.
Robin Shifted uncomfortably in his seat. He loved to sing, but, he just hated to do it in front of people. Somehow one of his friends back home had managed to catch him on camera singing while he was painting and sent the video to Colville. Instantly he was accepted on a scholarship basis. There would have been no way he could have afforded the prestigious academy on his own. Robin lived alone for the past few years, supporting himself.
"Ma'am... I... I haven't sang in front of people in years." He admitted quietly. "I'm not sure I'd know how."
The woman waved her hand like it wasn't an issue. "We can make some accommodations. We can have solo practices for you, one on one with the head of the music department to get you started. I'd suggest joining the choir or one of the Glee clubs we have around campus to try and get used to public singing." She pulled her glasses off and looked him hard in his hazel eyes. "But you will be performing in our fall and spring concerts." The color seemed to drain from Robin's already pale features. "Now, you have missed some of the opening ceremony, so I'd suggest taking some time and looking around. Perhaps checking out your room and meeting your room mate. He's a member of the host club I believe."
"Yes ma'am." Robin got to his feet and picked up his small tattered back pack, swinging it onto his shoulders. Walking out of the office he left the building and took a deep breath of fresh air. This is going to be an interesting year... I can already tell. He looked around. Compared to everyone else here, he stuck out like a sore thumb. His jeans and jacket were dirty and old, tattered (and not in that fashionable way). He was poor and he looked it. Sighing, Robin tried to wipe off the old charcoal on his fingers onto his pants before he pulled out his papers. "Alin... Hope this guy doesn't have anything against art... or music." He rubbed the back of his head. "Now what in the world is a Host club?"