At her first sight of Durion without his shirt on, she'd be unable to stop herself from gawking slightly, except she would quickly close her mouth and turned her gaze away, with a soft blush crawling over her pale cheeks. She wasn't exactly what one would call, used to seeing half naked men so she'd definitely not be able to dismiss it quite so easily. So for the moment she would keep her eyes off of him. After all, staring at him would probably upset him and she wasn't trying to do that. Especially after their argument. But she would sneak little glances when he was looking over his library of books.
"Morning," Raelynn greeted him sweetly when he sat down beside her. That alone would cause her surprise that he would actually be willing to sit beside her, not that she disliked it. Not that it made her keeping her eyes away from him all that much easier. But she would keep her eyes politely on his face, not one of weak will power. Seeing the pain he was in though, that saddened her and she wished she could do something to ease it. She didn't know what had caused it or why, but she immediately wished she could help.
"Just a few minutes ago," Rae answered his question honestly about when she'd returned, not finding any reason why she should lie anyways. Though she was certainly glad she hadn't had to wait long. Doing nothing for long periods of time really didn't do well for her... However when he would ask what it was that she had brought with her, Raelynn would let a big, bright smile curl over her lips.
"That," She giggled as she would lean forward and picked up the cheesecake before offering it to him, her eyes shining as she watched him, "Is a gift for you! Rose told me you liked strawberry cheesecake and helped me make it." A little bit of pride would seep into her voice as she spoke, unable to help it. She hadn't made a lot of stuff in the last year because she knew how to do so little and getting to make something even with help that looked like it had turned out well she was definitely proud of herself.
"I hope you like it," Raelynn would add on meekly as she peered up through her soft blue bangs.
~RL= Nightmare... RP Interest= Bedridden...~
Artist and Writer:
Self Proclaimed Goddess of RP, and Corrupter of the Innocent!
The Jayded Tygress