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View Poll Results: Youmacon 2014 Cosplay?

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  • BioShock 2 Big Sister

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  • Dawn of War 2 Eldar Farseer

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Thread: Artward Bound!

  1. #1
    Gaining a Reputation ISOS Duke's Avatar
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    Artward Bound!

    So, for the time being I've stopped playing video games to catch up on some projects that either have deadlines coming up or have been sitting on the back burner for far too long now. With finally getting back on that band wagon, I wanted to start sharing my works with everyone once again. To keep up with my current/already posted stuff, check out my deviantART account located -> here <-

    I will also be posting some of my WIPs here as well as on there. If you have any questions/comments/critiques, I'm always happy to hear them!

    When posting my WIPs, I will be posting them a stage or two behind where I currently am. This is something that will allow me to focus on the project at hand and for some, will give me a peace of mind knowing that others will be less likely to take said idea and finish it before myself.

    Current Projects:

    - Ruby Cosplay
    - Mystery gift for my Uncle's wedding >.>
    - World of Warcraft Tables

    I'll eventually make this look pretty... Eventually >.>
    Last edited by ISOS Duke; 07-23-2013 at 12:11 PM.

  2. #2
    Gaining a Reputation ISOS Duke's Avatar
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    Day 5 - Mockup Construction


    I am now about 11 1/2 hours into the build. I’ve managed to get most of the pieces cut out for the blade, but now I’m just about out of cardboard and other various materials that I’ve been using to build it. Looking t it now, I probably could have gotten away with just making half of the weapon, but I wanted to get an idea as to how heavy to weapon may be in the final production.

    I’ve been getting a hold of my father, as well as my Uncle, to look into the possibilities of getting the weapon to open and close. So lately, I’ve been in daily contact with my dad over the matter as well as sending him photo updates as to how it’s looking.

    The piece right now it about 6 feet long and still has to go through resizing. Hoping to start hammering a lot more into this as well, seeing as we have nearly 3 months to the day until the con! Other than the weapon, I’ve collected materials to start working on the petticoat of the costume and will be looking into a tutorial by Sugardale as to how to make it. I was having an issue with my contacts fogging over within an hour so I had to find a way to stop that. Lastly, I have a wig ring on order from Arda-wigs to finalize my color choice for Ruby’s wig. A lot of research has been going into various parts of the build between costume and weapon so we’ll see how quickly things will start coming together!

  3. #3
    Gaining a Reputation ISOS Duke's Avatar
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    Day 6 - Mockup Nearing Completion!


    I was finally able to get a good chunk of time devoted to the build today. Clock in about 6 1/2 hours, putting the build up to 18 hours now. I know last time that I said the mock up was almost done, but it's much closer now! To look into the weight, I finally put everything to a pole and surprisingly, with the amount of painter's tape I have on the thing, it didn't fall apart, at least not quickly.

    Sizing was off so we have been working on fixing that by slimming down various pieces. Some of my initial measurements have held true, but definitely not most of them. It makes me glad that I started with a mockup version of the weapon before working straight into the final materials, especially seeing as this is the first cosplay build that I've done, let alone first weapon build that I've done.

    Spent a good part of the morning talking to my dad about the build. He's thinking there should be a way for us to be able to have it fold up into a gun, but he's getting concerned about the weight of the weapon. It's not bad so far, I could see myself carrying it around for sometime before giving up and having to put it away for a while. Granted, I also don't have the bottom part of the weapon done, though I'm hoping that won't negatively change the weight too much.

    Speaking of bottom half, I finally cut PVC piping to create the base of the weapon! My measurements were WAY off for that one... This thing is not going to be 2 feet taller than me, it looks obnoxious and completely off proportion-wise. That will be one of the next things tackled once the blade is done.

    I did get new styrofoam as I'm thinking using that for the barrel and blocks on the sniper part of the scythe may be a good idea. I had purchased this green foam stuff that is used for potting plants and someone recommended getting house insulation, not the poofy stuff that's in the roof, but actual sheets of foam. Durability-wise, the housing stuff wins hands down. As long as I can figure out an easy way to work with it, I'll probably go with that in forming the shapes of the barrel and whatnot.

    As for animating the weapon, so far there hasn't been a concrete idea. I keep throwing ideas to my dad and he usually lets me know if it would make the weapon heavy, be too complicated or just overly expensive. I'm hoping that once I have a more finalized piece to show him, that part won't be too, too complicated. I have no experience in such things so I have really no idea.

  4. #4
    Gaining a Reputation ISOS Duke's Avatar
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    Ruby's Dress and Cape!

    I've lost count as to how many days I've been working on this thing, partly because I haven't been writing everything down and partly because I'm not working on it daily at the moment >.>

    Anyway, without further adieu, Ruby's skirt is complete! I decided to make it as a dress, not only because that was the pattern I had, but a dress at a convention just seems easier to have than a skirt. While this is the second thing I've completed on a sewing machine (the first not being cosplay related and just let me practice using it before I started working on it), this is the first article of clothing I have started and finished on one.

    The lace trim was an interesting challenge, as were the straps. Some bits of fabric and string still needs to be trimmed, but I give this bad boy the seal of 'DONE'!

    The skirt isn't the only thing done/nearing completing! I've had her cape sitting on my floor for about a month now, in it's nearly complete form of course.

    I didn't want to finish hemming it without know where I wanted the cross pins that will be holding it to the jacket, so without a jacket I don't really want to finish it. It's about 60" long right now, which is too long for me so that shall be shortened once I decide on how I want to work with the rest of it.

    The hood is made, not lined though, and is still sitting on the floor. They were made with two different size patterns as I wanted the hood to be rather larger, so fitting that into the cape may be as fun as putting the lace trim on the dress >.>

    Next up to be made is the petticoat (hopefully that goes relatively smoothly) and then I'll be drawing out the pattern for the top.

    Eghads, Duke has a deviantART?!

  5. #5
    Gaining a Reputation ISOS Duke's Avatar
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    1378433_10153467517240002_153737119_n.jpg So here is myself with another Ruby at Youmacon over the weekend! The blade was never completed; poor planning and weather saw to that... Though that might have been a good thing seeing as I would have been the only Ruby with a full size weapon and it was panning out to be heavy @.@ I had started putting it together and the few pieces I did already weighed a goo 10 to 15 pounds I would say... That didn't stop me from having a good time though, or snapping pictures of with other RWBY cosplayers!

    Ruby will be sitting on the shelf for a little bit, partly because of me not wanting to look at that weapon again for a little while. I may bring her back at some point, nearly the whole thing redone, but it won't be next year.

    With that being said, I've had two ideas for my cosplay for next year (it was just one at first then I had to remember my second one). In order to not run into this time issue again I plan on starting earlier and not getting distracted part way through. So for next year, I plan on either going as the Eldar Farseer from Dawn of War Dark Crusade or a Big Sister from Bioshock 2. I know, I get depressed over my weapon so I come up with even more complicated characters to make; I either don't like myself or I like to push myself, I haven't figured out which yet.

    BioShock 2 Big Sister: bioshock_2_big_sister.jpg

    Dawn of War 3 Farseer: farseer_zps3fa4dc23.jpg

    I'm not worried about how complicated they are as I will begin planning once I have my cosplays finalized and then I will begin construction beginning of 2014. A the top you'll see a ballot, please vote and help me narrow my choices! Feel free to post if you like as well XP

    Eghads, Duke has a deviantART?!

  6. #6
    Gaining a Reputation ISOS Duke's Avatar
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    Final Cosplay Decision

    There's a chance I will be biting off more than I can chew this year, but we will see how everything goes! Unfortunately, I will not be working towards cosplaying a Big Sister or the Farseer for Youmacon 2014, rather my boyfriend finally showed interest in doing a couples cosplay so I wanted to focus on that. I will be working on a few costumes, one at a time to ensure that I can complete them with the quality I want and to make sure I have at least one costume to take with me.

    The first costume I will be working on would be Juvia and Gray's costume from the Fantasia episode of Fairy Tail:

    After that I will be working on a couple separate costumes for Juvia and Gray:

    I know Gray goes without most of his clothes for the most part, but with the convention being hosted the last weekend of October/first weekend in November, I wanted to give my boyfriend the option of something warmer. I'll just have to engineer the clothes under the jacket to be easy to take off, like Velcro on the back or something.

    Those are the main two. I have a third option, but I don't really plan on sharing that one too much because then I'll start getting my heart set on it when I'll already have my hands tied with two costumes. So, as time goes on, if I'm able to finish the first two, I'll reveal my third cosplay XP

    Eghads, Duke has a deviantART?!

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