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Thread: I'm curious ||

  1. #1
    Background NPC Jazziebell's Avatar
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    I'm curious ||

    I thought it an odd habit, I don't know. I was wondering if I shared it with anyone out there.

    When I am roleplaying, I have to have noise. Whether it be the tv on, even if I'm not watching it, or my Itunes playing in the back ground. Without said noise, I can barely get a post out. On top of that, I tended to get terrible, terrible headaches.

    I doubt that happens to too many other people. I've long since come to the conclusion that I'm weird.

    I wonder, does anyone else have any strange habits related to rping? I have more to share. <3

    -the things I wonder about at four in the morning-

  2. #2
    Haha, no worries, you are very much not alone with needing music to roleplay! Myself, and at least several of my friends cannot post without some sort of noise/music in the background. My cable went out on me recently and I almost went nuts lol Thankfully I remembered the PS3 can wirelessly connect to a network and now am playing music on my TV through there (I also need the TV on, with some sort of image in the background. Why? No idea XD)
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  3. #3
    Reoccurring NPC Red_Night448's Avatar
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    You kidding? I can barely sit at the computer without having the TV on as background. I hate the quiet. It drives me nuts to think that there is nothing going on. Besides, the sound of me typing gets repetitive very quickly and I end up having to hit something with my keyboard.
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  4. #4
    Imperial Ruler Xavirne's Avatar
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    I'm in the same boat. I also find that what I'm listening to can influence my post. If I'm listening to something angsty, the character gets a bit moody. If it's super depressing, the character gets sad. And if I'm watching House, my character becomes a complete ass. lmao

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  5. #5
    Famed Adventurer Lumine's Avatar
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    I don't really function without noise in general, so roleplaying isn't much of an exception there. And like Xavirne, I find what I'm listening to encourages certain moods. Though I usually tend to avoid the TV as it can be more of a distraction if I'm not on the music channels - and even then it can be... annoying if it isn't playing something to encourage the mood I'm trying to pull from the character. Basically I just make playlists on itunes for all my roleplays, of songs that fit the general setting if not certain characters.

    As for any other habits... well, I can't seem to write anything decent unless I'm doing so in word document first and I usually have to keysmash a bit before words actually come out.... x-x;;

    //minor note-House is awesome.
    Last edited by Lumine; 08-16-2011 at 05:22 PM.
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  6. #6
    Monarch Schizophrenic's Avatar
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    It's funny that you bring this up, because just yesterday my beautiful flat screen plasma had a stroke and no longer works. I never realize that I always had it on in the background until it wasn't there anymore. Then I'm left with that awkward silence of just me and my click clackidin' fingers on my keyboard. But like most people in this thread have said, we always have music and it does help.

    Actually, I got this tip from Eden to make a playlist for my characters and when I write with them to listen to the songs and it is a GREAT remedy for writers block.

    So... no you aren't crazy because it looks like we all have those kinds of habits!
    And I hope you have not a single still moment.

  7. #7
    The playlist part can be a very good idea and influence, the only problem I find with that is it can inhibit being open to change with the character's mental state. Which is why it's good to have some other music to play for the mood of the rp itself, rather then just focused on the characters solely.
    ~RL= Nightmare... RP Interest= Bedridden...~

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  8. #8
    Legendary Adventurer Brook V's Avatar
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    Well, reading through this thread it seems like I'm the oddball. I can not write if there's noise in my room. I just get distracted by what it's on the TV. I can't have music on either as I get distracted by that too. :S
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  9. #9
    Legendary Adventurer Strude's Avatar
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    Not so strange, in my opinion, but it is completely opposite of yourself. I must have complete silence, not a sound, no music, no TV, no people talking, just me in my head and my fingers on my keyboard. Otherwise, I can not write a post just doesn't happen. I can have music prior to writing, like inspirational get in the mood kind of music, but when I actually sit down to writer there must be silence.

    Guess I also reread my post about 100 times in the process of writing it. I will write a sentence and reread everything I've written. Writing a couple sentences and then reread everything till I've completed the post. So sometimes I will reread a single paragraph about 15 times, ever edit I made is rewarded with a reread of the paragraph and sometimes the entire post.

  10. #10
    Elite Eden's Avatar
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    It's not that I need noise so much as it makes me hard to concentrate without music that can get me into the mood. Even better, music that inspires me for the game/character.

  11. #11
    Imperial Ruler Xavirne's Avatar
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    I decided to revisit this thought. After some thinking, I realized that what I'm listening to (or not listening to) depends on the subject. If I'm trying to write an essay and I need to be serious about it, then I must have silence. It's just like when I'm taking tests or writing those "test essays;" if the room isn't dead silent (and still), I can't function.

    Furthermore, certain characters merit certain songs and albums. If I'm using one of my darker characters, I have to have dark music on or else I can't get into the character. It's probably why my Pandora stations are all over the place. Not that I use Pandora strictly for roleplaying, but I do listen to it when I am in the writing mood.

    On the topic of mood, I know my mood plays a HUGE role in whether or not I can have white noise or noise. There are just some of those days when you need loud angry music to get anything done. Then, there are those other days when you wish the radio was never created. Ha ha.

    So yeah, I guess I'm on either side of the fence depending on what I'm doing and what my mood is.

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  12. #12
    Administrator Maneki Neko's Avatar
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    Moved this thread to RP Skull Session since it was a thread about roleplaying and how people do it.

    I used to make up playlists for characters/games, but I'm sort of in more of a musical hiatus at the moment (some seasons I'm really into music and others I prefer quiet) so I don't listen to anything when I game.

    I do have this thing where I need something else to do between posts. The only time I'm not reading or watching or playing something between posts is if I'm just about to go to bed/get offline.
    Maneki Neko
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  13. #13
    Journeyman BoredNeko19's Avatar
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    I have to have the tv on and my head phones on with music blasting to be able to write... or else I get distracted by pretty much anything like my rabbits making a noise or my parents or the tv in the living room or the roster crowing outside my window (the roster's name is KFC guess whats gonna happen to him ) or even the fly buzzing around my room.

    On a side note.... I need music and my fan to sleep... if my ipod isn't playing then I wake up and can't go back to sleep at all until music starts up again. Which I gotten into the habit of being able to not even wake up to change the song if it's too quiet at night while I am sleeping.

    So noise is a good thing in my book... music does help me write and even gives me muse for some characters. If your weird then it appears lots of us are if going just for the needing noise habit.
    Last edited by BoredNeko19; 08-18-2011 at 07:13 AM.
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  14. #14
    Apprentice kisa974's Avatar
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    i have cartoons on in the background but i agree with xavirne it depends on my mood.
    I'm such a ditz.

  15. #15
    Legendary Adventurer AceofMana's Avatar
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    Gotta have the tunes jamming when im rping, drawing or anything on general. I use my phone as a mp3 player and blare my radio and cds on my truck as well
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  16. #16
    Jaunty Journeyman Telemachn's Avatar
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    I like my music too, but my weird habit is I never just write a single post. I always end up bouncing back and forth between writing 'the post' and then just writing bits of conversation, scenes and reactions that I usually end up putting in other posts.

    I also have been known to write multiple posts for a character in one go. I'll just post one, wait for the reply and then post my next piece with a little editing.

    So I always end up writing twice as much as what people actually see. *shrugs* If I try to keep my mind on one idea and finish it out until the end I usually end up losing interest in what I'm doing altogether.

  17. #17
    Reoccurring NPC The Doctor's Avatar
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    If there's not a monkey banging pots next to my ear when I'm writing, I just can't create anything worthwhile.
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  18. #18
    Humble Farmer With a Sword balam acab's Avatar
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    Yeah, I have to have some manner of noise too.
    Either the television has to be going or there has to
    be music. Sometimes I just let a movie run on my
    computer while I'm typing.

  19. #19
    I don't think I need noise, but sometimes certain music can get me in the mood to write. When I write I typically end up so deep into my own thoughts, that I shut out the music anyway. So, I guess certain music can really get me in the mood, but once I start I no longer even notice it. A great deal of my posts have me working on them for an hour or more at a time, and when I stop I suddenly realize that I'm in a way different spot in my playlist. I think TV would just act as a distraction if something interesting is on.

  20. #20
    Noble joonsexual's Avatar
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    in bed, always

    I don't need noise, so much as I need music. Although my need for it varies by mood.

    Occasionally, I'll have music playing in the background. Other times, I turn everything off because the sounds are distracting and they're keeping me from forming coherent thoughts.

    But, there are plenty of times when I must have some soundtrack beating a tune in the background as I write (for inspirational purposes or for mood setting, I don't know). The only thing I really hate is having someone TALK TO ME while I am writing. It is, by far, the most frustrating thing I have ever had to deal with.

    Oh, I'm not talking about person-to-person talking (although that HAS happened before). I'm talking about people raging to me on instant messaging and I'm like: bro, I'm trying to write here. And they're like: No worries, I just need to vent.


    No, it is a huge worry because then I find my attention divided between wondering what they are saying and what I have to write.

  21. #21
    Elite Utopia's Avatar
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    I am all about noise in the background. Heck I set up soundtracks for my games and characters. (And then post them here for all to see and enjoy). While I don't mind the quiet, I tend to get more done and focus better if there is music or some other form of white noise int he background (TV, people talking, guys doing yardwork outside...preferably many of the things listed all at once).

    But I love music. I am a Pandora junkie when sitting at my computer.

  22. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Red_Night448 View Post
    You kidding? I can barely sit at the computer without having the TV on as background. I hate the quiet. It drives me nuts to think that there is nothing going on. Besides, the sound of me typing gets repetitive very quickly and I end up having to hit something with my keyboard.
    I have this exact problem! xD


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