Have an idea for a plot, but don't really have the time, skills, or interest in starting it yourself?
Post your plot here and share it with WTF RPG users! You're giving them permission to use this plot idea and run with it, so don't post here if you're looking for people to play a story with! This is a place to drop plot bunnies and run. A plot bunny farm, if you will.
Be sure to post whether you're interested in being contacted about the idea!
Some example posts:
"I'd love to see some zombie plots! Especially if they're set in something different, like a sci fi setting, maybe? I love zombies, but I'm really not good at setting up rpgs.
I'm super busy with work right now, but if you set up a zombie game, you're free to contact me and I'll totally check it out and join if I have time!"
"I see a lot of stories about princesses in ivory towers. But what about princes? Not something I'd be interested in playing myself, but it'd be fun to read. Link me to it if you make one and I'll read it."
"I saw a cool movie on tv that had spies set up to look like a regular company and it got me thinking about how cool it would be to set up an rpg where half the characters were spies and half of them were just regular employees who eventually figured it out.
I'm too busy to join any other games, so please don't contact me. But I hope I see people use this idea."
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