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Youya Toda

Roleplay: "Yokai Academy"

Player: Syrasya

Public,   Enabled,   Approved,   Owned

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"It's fun. Well, for me, at least."

*Red hair
*A scar on his left chest

Name: Youya Toda
Race: Wolf
Block: A
Age: 19
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Dorm Room/Roommate: 123

Student Council President

He's cynical and brilliant in mind.

Equipment / Abilities
He's quicker in movements than most. Accounted as a genius and holds the top ranking in the academy. He can regenerate and heal quickly.

Youya's human mother died when he was 10. He lives with his wolf father and attended regular highschool. When he was 16, he fell in love with a normal human girl, Maya. After a year, he told her of his true form and she accepted him. Two years later, they got in a car accident. Youya was merely scratched but Maya's condition was critical. There was a legend that if a wolf's heart was eaten by a human with a beating heart, it has the power of healing. Youya clawed his chest wanting to cut out his own heart to give to Maya. Knowing what he was trying to do, Maya took a broken glass and stabbed her own chest. She died instantly and he was left with a scar on his chest that seemed immune to his regeneration power, reminding him everyday of what he had lost.
After the accident, Youya was left in depression. His father wanting him to move on from what had happened, enrolled him in YA. Because of his grades, he was made Student Council President.

Youya is one of the few that has been spared from the Principal's whipping. Youya loves talking to the academy's chef, Minako Arika because she reminds him of his mother.